1800Gum.com > About

About 1800Gum.com

1800Gum.com is a long lived internet nicotine gum supplier.

We're a family owned business, and have been helping people worldwide be smoke free , or quit smoking. 

Simply - we want to provide you with internet convenience access to a high value stop smoking proposition.

NRT works, and markedly reduces your cardiovascular and lung health risk associated with smoking cigarettes.

We've been providing discount nicotine gums worldwide since 2001. But we've not refreshed our website software platform for quite some time - which is why we look " new " now.  Is it still us ?   Here's our old site....

Our aim is to hit that sweet spot - small enough that the personal touch is still present, but large enough to leverage our buying power for your benefit. We've had our moments - the 2010 - 2011 earthquake sequence here in Christchurch, New Zealand, provided significant challenges at a personal level, but we're proud to say service levels disruptions amounted to only one day of lost shipping. (There's lots to be said for strong building standards.) We remain grateful for the kind words and thoughts so many of you shared with us at that time

Have we been around long ? In internet terms, an age :). We've been proudly assisting people quit smoking since 2000. We are experienced in this, and trustworthy.

All orders ship from New Zealand. Our experience is that shipping, especially to the US, is incredibly blemish-free and surprisingly prompt. Our order delivery success rate is so high that we guarantee parcels to the US WILL reach their destination.

We are socially responsible; part of site profits are given away to various good causes - some local ( Delta, Crossroads), some youth ( Crossroads, YoungLife), and some developing world , especially microfinance or community development ( FreeSet, World Vision, Tear Fund )

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